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    was €34.90 Special Price €29.90
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    Payday 3.0 (Roundbase without Icebox)
    was €34.90 Special Price €29.90
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    TX Burner 3.0-ohne Eisfach
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  7. Matrix Precooler 18.8
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  8. Matrix Precooler 14.5
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  9. Acrylbong Joystick Multicolor
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  12. Blowjob Blue-Line
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  13. Recycler 14,5 No LOGO
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How to choose your bong before you buy a bong? - A guide for new and returning smokers

Whether you're looking to order your first bong, or you're new to the smoking scene, or you're trying to get back into it after a break: Choosing a bong you like can be difficult.

On your own, if you study the subject more deeply, you'll find that your learning curve resembles that of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. At first, you think you have it all figured out - but the more experience you gain, the more you realize what you need to keep in mind and what you still lack in background knowledge. We help you to successfully navigate the "Valley of Despair".

This starts with choosing the right bong for you, as there are different types of bongs, in different bong sizes and with various bong accessories. There are bongs that are so big and heavy that they fit more in big men's hands, others so dainty and sexy that rather a woman's hand should embrace them.

But before we start the guide, some of your most pressing questions ahead:

What do you need a bong for?

For enjoying cannabis, also known as marijuana.

Buying a bong is of course allowed in both retail stores and online stores, as there is no law in Germany that prohibits it.

What kind of bong is a good beginner bong?

Well, we will go into this extensively in the following guide

Which is the best bong?

That should also become clear to you after reading the following text.

So now back to the main topic:

How to choose your bong

Choosing the right bong is very important. Maybe you want to make deeper puffs or you have difficult neighbors and don't want them to take offense to your smoke? Maybe you have sensitive lungs and you're looking for a smoother, less harsh draw?

We'll explain everything you need to know so you can order a bong that's tailored to your exact needs.

When you know exactly what you should and shouldn't buy, you won't have to spend unnecessary money on bongs that you don't need and that don't suit you. If that's not an advantage for you!

At the beginning, we would like to discuss basic variables that you will encounter when buying a bong and what part they can play in your decision.

First, we'll now go over different bong sizes - in order to work out the one that's perfect for you.

Bong sizes - why they are important

What are the different bong sizes? Why are they important?

The cannabis market is saturated with all sorts of bong types and bong accessories these days, so it can be confusing - even frustrating at times - to figure out what is actually needed in the context of a bong.

The truth is, every individual has a different preference in terms of what size bong they need for their daily lifestyle. Maybe you are constantly on the go? Maybe you need something smaller, like a mini bong? Or maybe you're mostly at home, in which case a larger bong might be more appropriate.

Either way, there's something for everyone - and that's the sole purpose of this guide, to help you choose your own bong. Now, what exactly are the three different bong sizes on the market? What are the benefits of each bong size? So let's take a look at the different bong sizes:

Are mini bongs any good? - The Mini Bong - The Best Bong for Beginners

Mini bongs are very convenient due to their small size and are ideal for traveling. They tend to be lightweight and are perfect for those who want to be more discreet about their smoking experience. They are also the most portable.

However, there are two disadvantages that come with a smaller bong, namely less airflow and harder hits. Since these bongs are mini, meaning small, the smoke does not have enough room to allow for good as well as efficient air circulation. This leads to harder hits as the smoke is not cooled optimally. Adding ice to your mini bong will allow the hot smoke to cool down, resulting in less throat or pharyngeal irritation.

Are medium bongs any good? Medium bongs - ideal for everyday use

Medium bongs are more common because, as the name suggests, they are right in the middle between small and large. They can take advantage of the benefits of a mini bong advantages of large bongs. The height of a medium bong is in regular somewhere between 26-38 cm.

Even though it is not as huge as a larger bong, it is larger than a mini bong, which makes it not exactly discreet or even travel friendly. These are important points to consider when buying a bong.

Are big bongs good? - The large bong - perfect for home use.

The best kind of bong Large bongs are usually meant for experienced smokers, but even beginners should get comfortable with a large bong in a relatively short time. These large bongs are great for home use, as they are larger and not very discreet to use, and also less suitable for travel. In many ways, however, this is the best type of bong to own, as it allows for optimal airflow and smoke cooling.

The result is smoother and more intense puffs, which can help reduce potential throat and lung irritation several times over compared to medium and small bongs.

Tip: You should train your diaphragm - e.g. by belly breathing - to learn how to inhale more deeply and consciously. This will allow you to increase your breathing capacity and lung capacity, or in other words, inhale more smoke. This way, when you're ready to start smoking, you can take deeper breaths, which allows for a bigger puff and more inhaled smoke volume.

Now that you know the three different bong sizes and their benefits and uses, let's move directly to the next section on bong materials and the importance of choosing the right one.

Bong materials: choosing the right material

Certain materials offer different functions as well as benefits such as attachments as well as modifications. Let's take some time to go over the four most commonly used bong materials.

Are bongs made of glass any good? - Glass bong - the most versatile

Glass is the most popular bong material on the market because it delivers the cleanest and purest tasting puffs and hits. Over 90% of glass bongs are made from borosilicate glass. This type of glass is resistant to high temperatures as well as sudden temperature changes, and it is chemically resistant to water and various chemicals. This makes the glass bong the perfect smoking device and at the same time promises a long life if treated properly. Everyone knows those glass casserole dishes for the oven - either from their own kitchen or from mom's - borosilicate glass is used for this purpose.

What also distinguishes glass bongs from other materials is their versatility. This gives creative scope for add-ons such as multi-water chambers, ash catchers, downstems, percolators, and some even come with splash guards.

On the other hand, they do have their downsides. For example, they are easily breakable, that can then be expensive if the bong falls. But if you have the means to spend a little more for quality, it is definitely worth the money invested.

Are acrylic bongs good? - Acrylic bong - the cheapest type of bong.

Acrylic bongs are usually extremely inexpensive, and they come in many different colors and refreshing designs to choose from. Not to mention, they are virtually indestructible.

But as with anything cheap, you only get what you pay for. Acrylic is another word for plastic, and if you're an experienced smoker who expects a high-quality smoking experience, this is not the bong for you. Since the material is acrylic, it is the least versatile piece for accessories, such as a much needed percolator.

An acrylic bong delivers the same quality of smoke as if you were smoking from a household item, such as a water bottle. This is not exactly the quality you want for the money you spend on a bong.

Due to the lack of a perkolator, there is little diffusion or smoke filtering, and because of the plastic-like material, both the chillum and the head are usually made of metal. How does this affect your smoking experience? You could say it leaves a rather resinous taste in your mouth.

Are ceramic bongs any good? - The ceramic bong - Extremely durable - but rare.

Ceramic bongs are known as the oldest type of bongs, as they have been used for decades, this makes them not only desirable collector's items.

A bong made from this material can deliver a neutral taste and silky smooth draw despite the lack of versatility as well as complex parts, as a combination of clay, stoneware as well as earthenware is used. But they are hardly used today and also we do not offer items made from this material.

Overall, ceramic bongs are extremely durable, reliable, and do what they're supposed to. On a ranking list, they would come in second right behind glass bongs in terms of flavor profile.

From a reliability standpoint, ceramic and silicone are about equal. But nothing beats the neutral taste of a glass bong.

Are bongs made of silicone material any good? - The silicone bong - easy to clean and insensitive

Silicone bongs have become increasingly popular over the years because they are the perfect blend of adaptability, price, durability, and performance.

Of all four main materials, they are the easiest to wash and clean as they are dishwasher safe, heat resistant, and foldable! Silicone itself is soft and malleable, making silicone bongs a perfect companion for travel, including airplane travel.

Unlike acrylic, silicone bongs are able to withstand extremely high and low temperatures without melting or falling apart. This makes them very durable and offers great value for use in the long run.

Now that you know what to look for in a bong and why this knowledge is important, it's time to let you know how to choose a bong that best suits you.

The best bong for beginners

So what is the best bong for beginners? How do you know what you need? For starters, we recommend putting together a bong that already comes with accessories - like a built-in downstem or even a bulbous glass chamber - to ensure optimal water filtration and cooling. After comparing materials, we would advise that you should always choose glass or silicone.

Although glass is fragile, it meets the highest standards for clean, smooth-tasting puffs, while silicone, on the other hand, is unbreakable but also delivers silky smooth puffs.

You shouldn't spend too much time thinking about what features you need, because in most cases it's just a matter of preferences that will emerge later. While more smoking accessories will improve your overall experience, they are not absolutely necessary in the beginning.

If you're a beginner, you should stay away from all those confusing parts and add-ons, as they will only make things more complicated - until you're actually ready to take the next step.

A bong that is already equipped with the basic things - like a glass chamber, an ice cube tray or ice notches, and a chillum - all you have to do is make sure that it doesn't break. You don't have to worry about all those gadgets and extra parts, because they are already included!

The best bong for your money

So how much does a bong cost and what is the best bong for your money when it comes to what you want and what you need? We've narrowed it down to two options: Glass or Silicone. These types of bongs always offer the benefits of an excellent smoking session. We have found a selection of recommended bongs here. The material you want, the size of the bong, and your available budget can be conveniently set, so you can quickly determine the bong you want.

Links zu den besten Bongs bei uns aus den entsprechend besprochenen Kategorien

Conclusion on "Which bong suits me?"

We think that was now a lot of information, which we have given you with this guide. Now it's up to you to use our advice to find your personal and perfect bong.

From materials to different sizes to smoking accessories, only you will know what kind of smoking experience you are looking for and what suits you best. Once you figure out what function or design you want, it's easy to decide on a product and stick with it. But as an experienced smoker, you'll quickly catch yourself buying various bong parts and bong accessories to combine a wide variety of smoking styles and savor their effect on the smoking experience.

Whatever you decide, we hope you find the best bong that suits your needs! Don't waste any time, use everything you've learned here today and get the perfect setup for enjoying your own "clouds with impact".

Our HEISENBERG Bongshop has bongs of all types and sizes, as well as in all price groups, made of high quality material and with excellent customer service. Among other things, we carry our premium brand HEISENBERG in its own category, as well as a variety of bongs from other brands. Of course you will also find beakers, bubblers and dab rigs. All prices include sales tax. In addition, for the most part, shipping is free. It won't be hard to find the perfect bong for you there if you follow our guide.